Voice mail call forwarding
Voice mail call forwarding

voice mail call forwarding

Check each phone line that you want to ring when your company phone rings.Enabling this setting will simultaneously ring your additional phone (mobile phone) when your VoIP phone is called. Optional: Check the Enable Single Number Reach check box.Enabling this setting will allow you to transfer your call from your VoIP phone to your additional (mobile) phone. Optional: If this phone is a mobile phone, check the Enable Move to Mobile checkbox.All phone numbers should be entered in the 10-digit format for both local and long-distance numbers. Enter the phone number and a description for your phone.The Add a New Additional Phone window displays. Under Additional Phones, click the Add New icon.In the left navigation pane, click My Phones.Go to the Set Up Additional Phone instructions section. Use the Unified Communications Self Care Portal (If you are off campus, the Purdue VPN is required in order to access this site). When entering a new number, remember to enter the number exactly how you would dial it from your desk phone. From the dropdown list, select Voicemail OR select Add a New Number to enter an alternate number.

voice mail call forwarding

  • Click the phone number on which you want to set up call forwarding.
  • voice mail call forwarding

    In the left navigation pane, click Call Forwarding.To set up your phone to forward all incoming calls to another number, perform the following procedure: If you are off campus, the Purdue VPN is required in order to access this site. If a login is requested, use your career account. If you want the caller to go to the voicemail box of the person you are forwarding the call to, you need to press Forward All, then the # sign, then the 5 digit extension.Ĭall forwarding can also be set up in the Self Care Portal. Note: If you forward to the 5 digit extension of someone else, if that person does not answer, it will go back into the original called party's voicemail. To cancel call forwarding, press Forward Off.Look for confirmation of the forward on your phone display.Enter a phone number or 4-5111 to forward all calls to your voicemail.To forward calls on your primary line to another number, perform the following procedure:

    Voice mail call forwarding