YouTube - I try to stay away from YouTube as a source for episodes because it’s so broad but MANY people use it so I have no choice but to acknowledge.- Another site that simply links to other video sources.Again, mentioning this one may get me stoned also so don’t tell anyone I mentioned this either. They mainly feature anime and when it comes to the dramas they feature it seems like they use the same “hardsub and upload method” that dramacrazy uses. - I’ve used crunchyroll twice since I started watching dramas so I don’t have much to say when it comes to this site.
I’ll admit that because I download the episodes as soon as they air I have no reason to visit this site but I’m grateful that they exist. They have also gotten better about uploading the newest dramas sooner. They mainly specialize in Korean dramas but they have plans to expand to other drama genres soon.

They may not release episodes as quickly as we would like but after so debate about the legality of drama download and fansubbing it’s nice to have a site that does all the leg work so that we can honestly watch dramas. This means that everything they stream has been allowed by those that own the rights to the specified content. This site is not only high quality (well, as high as you can get in beta) but all their featured dramas and their subs are legally streamed.
This site also takes from other video sources, (again, mainly ) but it also provides extensive information on the Taiwanese drama schedule and the series that will be featured. - If you want the latest Taiwanese dramas this is the place to be.So, why do I list it? Because I know if I don’t I’ll get messages saying I missed it because it’s so popular. Mainly because that is how subbing groups get in trouble with the companies that own the rights to the series and they do not credit the groups that spend their precious time creating these subs for people like you and me. Hard subbing and the releasing of these episodes is a big no-no in the subbing world. This is not so much a legal issue but an issue of principle because they do not have explicit rights to feature these subs. takes drama episodes, melds subs released by subbing groups, and then uploads them on their site. - Please don’t tell anyone that I’m listing this one.I’m mainly listing this because it’s popular and convenient but I still suggest going straight to the source. There have been times they’ll find links to subbed video that I did not know existed but, usually, I just go directly to the source. It does not release it’s own material so I RARELY visit this site. - This site only links to other videos, mainly from.It sucks when it lags (the videos can lag if if the system is overloaded) but no site is perfect and when you are finally watching a subbed episode a day or two after it has aired there’s nothing like it. It’s frustrating but, most of the time, I can find subbed episodes here first before anywhere else. Unfortunately, they’ve been hit with copyright infringement claims recently which has slowed down the process of the subbing teams. Each series has it’s own subbing group and while the quality is low they are usually the fastest subbers on the web.